Low Embodied Carbon Passive House Assemblies

Low Embodied Carbon Passive House Assemblies

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 2:45 PM to 3:45 PM · 1 hr. (America/New_York)
Room 113ABC



This session will show material options, construction details, and comparative embodied carbon calculations for low-embodied-carbon assemblies suitable for Phius projects in cool and cold climates. Example projects are designed and modeled for both energy and embodied carbon by our office, and will be completed and in construction. Detail drawings, photos of built projects in construction, and embodied energy calculations (from BEAM software) will provide practical examples. Example projects will include retrofits as well as new homes. Material selections will be compared against common higher-embodied carbon materials to provide context. Building science issues limiting use of wood-based and cellulose solutions will be discussed as well.

AIA Course Number
GBCI Course Number
Tuesday Summit Name
Phius Passive Building Summit
Continuing Education Credit Offered
Pass Type Access
Conference PassStudent PassVolunteer Pass
Learning Objective 1
Understand the importance of embodied carbon in material selection in the context of low-operational energy Phius buildings by comparing embodied carbon with operational carbon over a 30-year life cycle.
Learning Objective 2
Evaluate design details for high-R-value Phius buildings using low-embodied-carbon materials, with emphasis on vapor control detailing for cool and cold climates.
Learning Objective 3
Discuss construction implementation considerations to achieve Phius compliant assemblies, observing photos from the field.
Learning Objective 4
Observe how BEAM and other material carbon emission estimators can be used to evaluate alternate material selections.
Learning Level
Greenbuild Program
Phius Passive Building Summit
Does this session cover Justice, Equity, Diversity and/or Inclusion
Session Format