Resilient Project Planning: A Vital Engagement Process in Action

Resilient Project Planning: A Vital Engagement Process in Action

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 9:45 AM to 10:45 AM · 1 hr. (America/New_York)
Room 103ABC


Registration Information:

To register for this course - please reserve your seat for the "Resilient Places Summit" located in the Greenbuild agenda.

Registering for the session holds your seat in the class until 5 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. At that time your seat in the session can no longer be guaranteed.

If a workshop or session is full, you will not be able to add it to your agenda; however, if you have the appropriate pass you will be able to enter the session on a first-come first-served basis 5 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the event so long as capacity has not been reached

Greenbuild staff at the entrance of the session have the ability to stop permitting entrance to the session when the room hits the set capacity.


The word resilience can encompass a lot of different things. A successful resilient building design will respond to the regional climate hazards and specific vulnerabilities of a given site, be adapted to the project type, and align directly with client needs. This panel will showcase three case studies from a range of geographic locations, typologies, and scales. Brief, process-oriented presentations will illustrate the key steps to project planning that fully integrate resilience into the development and design process. Speakers - Lauren Seydewitz, Sustainability and Resiliency Program Manager at Gresham Smith; Nicole Voss, Associate Principal & Director of Sustainability at isgenuity; and Erin Feeney, Associate at David Baker Architects - will share insights from: 1) client and stakeholder engagement around flood risk to develop the Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Plan for City of Philadelphia, Department of Aviation's Philadelphia International Airport; 2) prioritizing social resilience at the Brockton Behavioral Health Center in Boston, Massachusetts; 3) partnering with an affordable housing developer to mitigate impacts from extreme climate events in California. From each of these, participants will learn about client starting points, motivation for resilience, process, results, and relevant resources. This session will provide participants with actionable tools, so that they leave the session feeling ready to broach the topic of resilience within their own teams in a meaningful way. We will invite session participants to engage in an interactive discussion. Join us as we work collectively to expand the capacity of the building industry by designing for resilience.

AIA Course Number
GBCI Course Number
Tuesday Summit Name
Resilient Places Summit
Continuing Education Credit Offered
Pass Type Access
Conference PassStudent PassVolunteer Pass
Learning Objective 1
Recognize the challenges when developing "one size fits all" resilience solutions and frame resilience conversations for their client and stakeholder groups.
Learning Objective 2
Utilize vulnerability assessments that integrate tools such as stakeholder engagement and mapping resources.
Learning Objective 3
Demonstrate effective collaborative processes that align goals across a project team to achieve greater resilience.
Learning Objective 4
Provide examples of actionable tools that facilitate conversations around resilience and risk.
Learning Level
Greenbuild Program
Resilient Places Summit
Does this session cover Justice, Equity, Diversity and/or Inclusion
Session Format
Structured Discussion