Why are EPDs so Important...Yet Difficult to Understand?
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EPDs have started to become a requirement in procurement of materials at the federal, state, local, and A&D levels....so why are there still so many questions about them? This session will touch on how LEED v5 is going to utilize not only EPDs, but the data from these documents. We will discuss the potential barriers that some manufacturers have in getting these done and how once they are in the marketplace, how they build on each other for greater clarity. As these are being utilized in comparisons for procurement and product selection we will discuss the best ways to digest EPDs for non-LCA practitioners and give some rules of the road to help people make the best selections vs. just always picking the smaller number regardless of how the EPD was done, PCR or datasets used. Finally, we will help people understand where all of this EPD momentum is going with the perspectives of a leading global rating system, a leading manufacturer, and a leading global LCA team.